2020: A Quick Reflection

Whew, y’all, what the fuck can I even say?! If someone told you a year ago today that the past year would be what it was, would you have believed them? I truly think I would’ve laughed out loud and/or curved the whole convo. “Boy, if you don’t get! A pandemic? Where?!” Yet, here we are. Hate it had to be us.

I feel like I’m always coming on here preaching about some shit y’all should consider, but this is really just me talking. I’m wild introspective and I’ve had too much time to sit in my uninterrogated thoughts this year, so y’all gone get what you get.

I wish it didn’t take a pandemic, race wars, and natural disasters (read: ALLA THIS!) to get here, but it is what it is… I guess. Here’s a list of things this year has taught/reminded me that I’ll *try* to be more cognizant of moving forward:

1. Life is for Living – We are physically here for a limited amount of time and every day is not promised. Don’t waste your time on shit that doesn’t excite you. Do everything you can. Shoot your shots. Be bold. Make mistakes (and apologize for them, where needed).

2. Check on Your People – FaceTime your parents. Call that friend you’ve been seeing on socials but haven’t followed up with. Coordinate a covid-friendly hang out. You never know what people are going through and how much they might just need a conversation.

3. Accept Help – …and try not to feel ashamed doing it (it’s difficult, I know). You can’t always do it all alone. Refill your cup. I didn’t realize how much I needed to come home earlier this year until my momma encouraged me to. I understand that I may be privileged in this regard, but I’ve truly been incredibly grateful and at peace with this decision (my bank account ain’t mad about it either).

4. Seek Help – Slightly different than above because this requires more vulnerability and action on your part. Be honest with yourself. Are you 100? If the answer is no, let’s find out how to get there. This is top of my list for 2021. *Queue therapy* can’t wait!

5. Remember That Some Things Are Inherently Flawed – Capitalism, the criminal justice system, etc. If you have somehow missed this, then I don’t know… I don’t think this blog is for you. Take all this shit with a grain of salt and free yourself from these damn shackles where you can.

6. Have a Hobby – …and prayerfully it’s not social media only. You’ll drive yourself crazy. Find an outlet to keep you grounded.

7. Find the Silver Linings – They’re there. They may be covered by junk and muck (The Undoing still lives in my mind rent free), but they’re there. Lean into those and let them propel you forward on your not so shiny days.

8. Be Grateful and Be Kind to Yourself – This life is not perfect, and it never will be. What is perfect anyway? But you’re here and every day is another opportunity to improve upon the day before. You’re dope. Do you, own that, and give yourself some grace.

I’m not finna talk your heads off. It’s been a long ass year and we all deserve to get a lil responsibly lit ahora! I plan to be. We going up next year too. Hope y’all are ready to come along for the ride! Heard me?